Protecting pulp and paper mills from corrosion

Pulp and paper mills require anti-corrosion protection due to the combination of water, toxic chemicals and structural steel. Facilities need corrosion control in processing, production and finishing, along with related flooring and containment areas. The digester is one area severely affected by corrosion. Without  protection, pulp and paper mills could have contaminated paper, damaged machinery and/or industry regulation violations. Worker safety is also an issue.

Cost of Corrosion

According to the Corrosion Cost and Preventive Strategies in the United States study published in 2002:

“The $165 billion pulp, paper, and allied products industry supplies the United States with approximately 300 kg of paper per person per year. More than 300 pulp mills and 550 paper mills support the production of paper in the U.S. The total annual direct cost of corrosion is estimated at $6.0 billion, with the majority of this cost in the paper and paperboard industry, and calculated as a fraction of the maintenance costs. No information was found to estimate the corrosion costs related to the loss of capital.”

Corrosion Protection

Certified industrial coating professionals and certified contractors can provide site-specific evaluations, including advice on surface preparation and selecting the proper corrosion resistant coatings. Different chemicals, toxic substances, materials and temperature impact the choice of protective coatings.

Hiring Qualified Contractors

Make sure you have certified contractors and industrial coating painters working on your projects who know what they are doing. Coating Application Specialist (CAS) certification ensures painters have the necessary experience and training in all aspects of hands-on surface preparation and coating application. Download our whitepaper to learn more about the importance of certification.

FSN can furnish nationally positioned Industrial Coatings contractors that have completed QP1 or QP2 certifications. If you have pulp and paper mills that need protection, contact us today to be connected with certified contractors
in your area. If you have pulp and paper mills that need protection, contact us today at (410) 564-5876 or to be connected with certified contractors in your area.